Tollcross Medical Centre

Winter Flu Update

Please note, COVID-19 booster vaccinations are being prioritised due to the rise of the Omicron variant.

Therefore you will not routinely be given the flu vaccination at our clinics or at GP Practices, including Tollcross Medical Centre. We do not have vaccines in stock.

If you are 64 and under, and are not in a higher-risk category, you will not be offered a flu vaccination
this season.

If you are:
– aged 65 and over
– 16 and over with an underlying health condition
– 16 and over and an unpaid carer or household
– contact of an immunosuppressed person

Please check with your community pharmacy, or the NHS inform website in January to see when we may be able to recommence flu vaccination in some clinics.

If you are pregnant, speak to your midwife who can give you the flu vaccine.



Tollcross Medical Centre